Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Final Semester Blog Post

Let's Share Our Goodbyes!

As we say our farewells, goodbyes and well wishes, let's recap on what we all learned over the course of the semester! First, of all, make sure you write in black ink (or...shall I say, in our case: black font).. Try to refrain from using extravagant colors, as it's comes across as a bit too flashy for our reading capabilities! Too flashy...also deters individuals from continuing to read.. so let's just forget those colors are even there! Even though, we all love colors, keeping it bland, with some flashy photos offers for the possibility of an A+ blog post (just keep in that in mind)! 

Recapping on the many assignments we did over the semester: allowing photos to tell a story, rather than your words.. Or, for example, use your words to tell a story on video, with a presentation, slides, or various photos. The various presentation formats we discovered over the course of the semester involved Prezi, Google Slides, different ways to create infographics, different ways to create a video while providing an included presentation (video blogging).. We even reviewed "memes"..which were a lot of fun! Aside from creating a presentation, the process was a lot of fun! We learned about the different rights we hold..for example..fair use allows for other individuals the ability to use copyrighted work. Copyrighted work is an individuals personal work that requires permission if needed for individual usage. We also explored the different storage areas available online (cloud, google drive, Office 365) and the five key components to a successful web design: Colors (The two key colors : Black and white. Black signifies elegance, while white signifies cleanliness), Content focus (Content has to focus on the value of the blog), White space (No Clutter please!), Typography (Font), Social prominence Easily read/viewed content).

Now, let's focus our attention on why we aren't writing too much.. 
Well, as we learned throughout the semester, too many words, is too much! If we are writing more than we are expelling, what's the point to creating a presentation? Why not just hand me a pamphlet.. (no, we aren't talking infographics).. we're talking big, giant, word-filled, old-fashioned pamphlets.. discussion sheets, information packets....


So, Ken Robinson would probably have cut me short by now, since I still have yet to get to the point.. So.. Here it is:

I, very much enjoyed this semester! I would say, the most I gained from this class is more confidence in myself. If I were given the choice, I would have never gained the courage to speak on camera, or on video and then share it to the world. Creating videos of my face with a presentation on the side of me while speaking on camera was quite frightening, however, I now have great confidence to use those resources again in future presentations! I also, now understand more about presenting. (I still struggle a bit with telling the story without many words, but I'm getting there!) I want to thank Professor McCarthy and the semester community for a wonderful and enjoyable semester!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Let's talk infographics!

The amazing tools we have...

The past two weeks, I have been struggling to get as much painting done in our house as I possibly can. With a busy toddler, that is very difficult to do (actually impossible).. but, I've managed to get my dining room (finished), living room (finished), and a first coat of my kitchen painted. I also decided to paint all of the wood trim white, which has really made each room of my house pop! A new idea, that I found on Pinterest, but had previously seen on social media sites (actually a blog group I follow on Facebook) had inspired me to paint the brick of my fireplace. Before, I had to scrub that sucker, as the previous owners did not take good care of the beautiful brick. Even as beautiful as it was, I figured it was a fun idea and would make the room POP a bit more! Aside from painting, this week's new learning tools are Infographics and creating surveys!

How Not to Be Ignorant About the World: Hans and Ola Rosling

Personal bias - Outdated bias - New bias - Skewed info - intuition
Teach outdated worldviews..because, well, that's what they "major" in! -Teachers

If you can understand today, you will have a viewpoint of the future! You can figure out the outcomes of what the future will bring -Hans

The vaccination against measles survey was mind boggling to discover only 17% of US public believe and 8% of Sweden Public believe 80% of children (specifically one-year olds) are vaccinated.

Hans presented some great information, that we can review and use to our advantage (when presenting)! Offer your information in words, rather than presenting it in front of them..

Hans offers his information by showing it
Hans also used a new tool ..new to him, at least: Animating data! I'm not sure I could ever do half as good of a job as he did while using this new innovative tool, however he did a fantastic job! Animating data is a tool to expose your data (animated), while offering your audience a formulated argument that can be understood by your provided data..It is actually, very interesting!

How to present data

-Garr Reynolds-
Words & Images...
Why present the data you are about to offer? ..Doesn't make sense, does it?
Offer a simple statement that can offer your audience so much more aside an attractive photo...watch their curiosity grow!

What would you make your own infographics on?

Here are some options available to create infographics:
Visual.ly: Offers infographic creations (focuses on sharing and social atmospheres)
Dipity: Multimedia Timelines
Easel.ly: Easily create charts!
Venngage: Create data and track through analytics
Infogr.am: Import your data to create your infographic
Tableau Public: Offers a live Dashboard; Can create interactive infographics
Photo Stats: Analyzes photos on cellular devices and creates infographics (fees involved)
What about me: Uses social media apps
Gliffy: Similar to Prezi
Piktochart: Offers easy ways to create themes with ready-tools

Here is my very first Infographic! I chose "Breastfeeding" and researched statistics on medical support. In 2014, these are the statistics below: Breastfeeding mothers in 7 states out of 43 influence a mothers choice (one of those pro-breastfeeding states being Vermont)! Yay! I also browsed a chart of statistics that enlightened me to more information regarding mothers who introduce their infants as early as two days of age to formula.. The highest percentage I found was 28.8-28.4% Between New York and New Jersey, with the lowest being 8.2% North Dakota (Vermont: 8.5% one of the lowest percentages of introducing formula rather than choosing to breastfeed). Here is the link I received most of my data from:

I decided to insert my survey in my blog this week for those of you who are unable to view (or haven't viewed) my survey and can include your data if/when viewing my blog posts!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Let's Talk Prezi Continued..

My Prezi Assignment
"Projects With Karry"


Let's Talk Prezi

What is Prezi?

Prezi is another form of “presenting” presentations. This was the first online tool I was taught how to use in grade school after learning how to create presentations using powerpoint. Prezi is very similar to creating a powerpoint/ Google Slides. Prezi, as referred to in the video, is put together like a giant puzzle. Your presentation is available before you on the screen, but in the form of an online poster board (which I find really neat)! You have many different templates available to you, are able to brainstorm at once and arrange different "slides" as you see your ideas.  Those first brainstorming ideas are also able to be dragged and moved in the order you would like to explore each topic. With Prezi, like I said above, you have a poster board before you, however you can zoom in on the different topics so that is all you are viewing, but you can zoom out to the full content. In order to zoom in/out, you scroll your mouse up to zoom in and scroll the mouse back to zoom out. You can also change the order in which you view things by adjusting the icon thumbnails on the left hand side of the screen.

You can add sound in two different ways!
You can add sound that continuously plays by clicking “insert” in the top menu and then scrolling down the options to find “Add Background Music”.
You can add sound to a specific “path step”. You can do this by clicking on that specific icon thumbnail and then click “insert” from the top menu and scroll down to find the option “Add Voiceover to Path Step”.
You can also insert charts to your Prezi by clicking “insert” from the top menu and then inserting a chart (line, pie, bar, or column chart) from the options in the menu. You can adjust the chart from the various options provided (such as data, style, if you want to show values/ or not, chart colors, label colors, etc.).

My Prezi Assignment

This week..I decided to do a bunch of projects...for no apparent reason what-so-ever..but to give my house more appeal! So...I decided to paint my dining room a "foresty" olive-colored green, as well as paint my kitchen... a bright maroon red!

I also decided to paint all of the trim from cream colored..to white, and the wood trim around my front window..as well as a spiked idea of painting the mantle white, and soon to be black! So, there I was, in painting mode..all week!
Later in the week, I saw an idea on pinterest about "painting" fireplaces...which I thought was kind of a silly idea, so I decided to do some research on it. I then looked at more ideas and eventually browsed upon "whitewashing brick fireplaces". I thought this was a really neat idea, so I decided I would look into it some more..and eventually, today, I decided to give it a try! It wasn't too strenuous, however it is very drippy! I actually applied two coats because I didn't like how the first coat appeared so light...and I applied numerous black bricks before even starting to see how it would look in the end...and I really like the outcome!

So, that is what my Prezi is about..how to whitewash brick!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 9: Let's Make a Video!

Let's Make A Video!

You can record with only a Chromebook..!
I think, I’m in luck...I have a Chromebook!
Also, there were three options mentioned for Chromebook users ...Oh, it just keep’s getting better!
Option one: Google Hangouts on Air
Option two: Movenote
Option three: Screencastify

Google Hangouts on Air

Google Hangouts on Air is located in your Google Drive; on the lefthand side, which includes five options to choose from..(technically six, I guess..). The tab that resembles three “dots” is where you will find Google Hangouts on Air (ninth option down).
Now, once you are in Google Hangouts, everything will be recorded (and uploaded to your famous Youtube account)!

Okay, let’s move onto Movenote! I’ve never used Movenote, nor heard of it before this week..so here we go! Movenote works, as explained in TechRepublic, almost as if you are casting a live feed of yourself, with your research beside your live cast to back you up! I like this presentation format better because the presentation isn’t necessarily focused on me..The video feed offers information side by side to my recorded face (which is a unique format and very useful now and for future presentations)!

Another recording option that allows for the computer to capture what’s on the desktop screen is known as screencastify. This is a unique way to essentially “screenshot” what you’re seeing in front of you, while continuing to record your video!

These are very useful tools that were explored this week ...and will come in handy in the future..I'm sure!

Now, making a video was the difficult part! I am awful with presentations..and we shall leave it at that! .I tried out each of the three options explored this week, and my final option that I found the easiest to use was Movenote! So, here is my video below..!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 12: Google Forms, Sheets & Maps

Let's learn about Google: Forms - Sheets - Maps

I knew Google was a great resource, but I hadn’t realized the extent of the wonderful resources it offers us Google Users! There are many useful tools in Google Drive, such as Google sheets, maps, and forms (Located in My Drive, under “New”).  I hadn’t fully realized until this week that we have been using Google forms all semester! I created many different Google Spreadsheets/forms before creating my finale Week 9 project. I chose a topic of grocery shopping in Vermont! I figured that would offer me a bunch of different locations which would support the mapping aspect of the project (Can be viewed below).
It took re-watching videos over and over again and for myself to create the first response of my survey, but I finally figured out how to create a form! It was a bit confusing, as I am still getting used to Google Plus, but I figured out that you can add new questions by clicking either duplicate question (which requires more work) or by clicking the “+” button on the upper righthand corner of your creative title. Under “adding new question”, you are also able to upload photos and videos to your survey! You can also create a spreadsheet after receiving responses on your survey! You do this by clicking on the responses, and viewing the green, cross-like box on the righthand side. You can create a new spreadsheet with a new title of your responses, which then allows you to upload into a map, or create a fusion table!

Basically, after you create your spreadsheet, you are able to separately create a map, and import that information from your spreadsheet. How easy does that sound? It’s actually pretty simple! Creating a fusion table requires a bit more work...but not much! Basically, you are taking two tables and fusing them together! How difficult can that be? Not difficult at all, by any means, trust me! Here are the few steps to remember when creating a fusion table:

  1. upload two tables
  2. merge tables; visualize the merged table on a map
  3. style and share the map
Having the option to create spreadsheets on Google is impressive, but being able to combine those spreadsheets and then offer the opportunity to relay that data in a map is mind blowing…. But more in the aspect of how incredible technology (internet) is!
Another fascinating example of how incredible the internet is.. understanding how to import data into sheets without copying and pasting that data. The video revealed that if you take the first box of sheets and write “=IMPORTHTML (“ link “, “table”, 1), and your data will suddenly appear in the format of a chart! How awesome is that?
Here is my example:

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Why do we live for Creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson's Ted Talk

I gathered a few thoughts from Sir Ken’s TedTalk..
Why are we destroying creativity? Why are we destroying young, inexperienced minds? We all have a lot to gain from one another, while we are all are creative in our own unique way! I feel as I grew up, I would feel more and more embarrassed about putting my work “out there”. Simply asking questions, answering questions or even completing group assignments, I would feel as if my work wasn’t creative “enough”. Why is that? Why is it, that students feel less than their work? Feeling as though completing an assignment wrong, would be shameful. That’s how we learn...we give and we take and we learn by making mistakes. We may not always take that route, but that’s how we understand the concept of “learning”.

The Big Picture: “Fostering A Community”

I would describe the description under the title to be a wonderful act of kindness. The stories shared of the Treehouse Community is beyond inspirational! The sixteen photos share beautiful stories of heartfelt moments, determination, patience, and love for others. I would love to open my home to fostering, but opening a house, better yet a community to many foster families would be a dream come true!

I decided to look into “Fostering A Community” because the title caught my attention. The title could have meant many things, but it meant something important to me. Something I could sort of relate to.. Fostering children, aiding in the placement process, as well as childhood development. Fostering children is a wonderful thing! More importantly, I see it as helping children who need it. Helping children find their creativity, and simply..find themselves. My parents fostered many children growing up, but the final two children fostered, are my now adopted brothers!


Being creative isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Take two side by side photos of the same picture.. Do you see a difference? Tell me...there’s a difference in size, resolution..but thinking creatively how would you create that difference.. It takes exploration, time, and motivation to learn.

Just like creating videos.. It doesn’t sound easy, but if you brainstorm a few ideas, you will eventually have a very creative project! You have to think creatively in order to create a video.. So what comes to your mind when creating a video? ..Remember, be optimistic, original, You are UNIQUE through your own work! Here’s my video that I created this week. I explored nature in my video, as my daughter loves being outside with me, playing in the leaves, running around, back and forth, and being around birds! A unique aspect of my daughter is that she LOVES birds, and calls her grandmother (my mother-in-law) “Dee-Dee”..as my mother-in-law first introduced my daughter to birds! As I said earlier, being creative is about what catches your interest, therefore, make sure to always focus on you! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Audio and Video Blogging

Audio & Video Exploration

This week, we explored audio usage, as well as video use. We did not have to create a video, but we did experiment with SoundTrap {in making a sound clip of ourselves}. I said a verse from a poem I wrote a few years ago titled "Am I Good?". Here is a link to my Soundtrap: https://www.soundtrap.com/playlink/4188d597-a3ce-4806-b11d-c823b0cbbd9f/
We also went on to explore Youtube and privacy settings. I discovered that I can share an external link (which I had assumed anyways). I also learned that the annoying ads that are constantly on YouTube videos can be turned OFF! Yes, that's right, they can be turned off! All you have to do is go to your account settings and under overview, you click features at the bottom and are then guided to a bunch of options that allows you to make your channel work as efficiently as you want it to! 


Youtube is the main browsing site promoting videos sharing. Everyone uses Youtube! I haven’t updated my account in years, yet I use it quite frequently! I may be on youtube often, but it’s usually for school purposes. It’s nice to browse around Youtube again and re-familiarize myself with the improved site. After some searching around, I finally figured out how to locate my dashboard!

Youtube Audio Gallery

I have never even heard of this download frenzy! Through youtube, you have access to “audio gallery” where you can download various music and sound effects for project use! How neat!?

Don’t forget the music by Josh Wanner

Music definitely makes a difference in how situations are portrayed. As in “Don’t forget the Music”, there was a huge difference between the country themed music, horror film music, and the goofy humorous music. Individuals look for humor, emotion and reaction with music. Music helps to tell the story, which is why you, don’t forget the music!

Black Planet Records

I have never heard of a DIY label and FMA curator, but I like their motto “The same thinking people should work together and music should have no boundaries”!

Audio Archive

This was my first time visiting the site “Audio Archive”, but it was quite interesting! It was nice to see how actively used this site is, over four billion views! I also like how they had a forum board..not many community posting, but it is nice to provide forum postings. I figured out how to navigate the site and eventually began listening to live music! I listened to a few songs by “String Cheese Incident”, and they were pretty good! I like how I was able to upload my own tunes, if I had any!  I found that listening to music on audio archive live was quite similar to using my phone to download and listen to music on Itunes!

Where Else Can I Use My Google Account With..?

  • Youtube
      • Channel
  • Soundtrap
      • Creating & sharing a sound track!
  • Wevideo
      • Creating videos! 
      • Simple set up and super easy to navigate! 
      • The colors don’t make the site overwhelming!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing & Software Storage 

Cloud Services? Do you use them?

Well with Microsoft office 365 and Google App, it allows for individuals to have massive amount of storage space available online. These are forms of software or applications. These software's allow for individuals to use them for storage purposes. Individuals have access when online and offline, as well as from all devices that access to apps/ internet. There are provided features that allow individuals to work with other individuals while their work is shared/saved together. I also learned that with Google doc, it is extremely easy to navigate the search tools for when citing in writing, or for future research. Personally, I prefer to use Google drive because in my opinion, is easier to work with. It took some time to get used to, but now that I am constantly using it, I prefer not to use Microsoft office 365 (not that it’s difficult to use). I have two means of storage if I needed more, but I typically use Google App, as I am easily able to explore and understand the tools. Whereas, with Microsoft Office 365, I am new to the software, so I am just getting used to it. I recently worked with PowerPoint on Microsoft Office, which wasn’t too difficult, but I found it extremely difficult when working with fonts and themes, so I ended up converting and sharing it with my Google software. This would have been much more difficult to do if it weren’t for the wonders of the cloud!

Storage Usage

Way back when, “back in the day”, files/pictures/videos/etc. were stored onto a hardware, hard drive, CD disk..and even today, some individuals still use that file save form to store their files. Since then, technology has changed drastically. Now that technology has developed, individuals no longer need to make the extra effort to save files to some sort of “disk”. Technology has developed beyond files being saved on a “disk”, that they can now be saved within the technology itself: through a computing network, known as the Cloud. The cloud, also referred to as computing cloud or hard drive in the sky is a network of saving and sharing individual files. The cloud is available on demand, as a unique form of saving files and sharing them on the internet. It also requires less power and storage usage for different activities used through the cloud. It is very easy for data to get lost or privacy settings to be overlooked, as well as storage files to be taken. It’s important to read privacy regulations/laws before storing individual work in it. 
An example of what using the cloud is like: if I am viewing a video online, through Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon; that form of video sharing is not saved to my technological device, rather it is a file saved through the cloud, that is shared the world to use. There are also many files that are saved or “backed up” in the “cloud”, such as emails, notes, music, and all sorts of media that individuals can save, such as myself. The cloud is considered a safe network of file sharing and storage usage, but again, is a “fluffy blue cloud in the sky”, so beware of the power of the cloud!

Google Scholar:

  • has always been confusing to me...but something extremely interesting I learned in the video provided this week was how to easily understand and be provided with quick citations from sources. I also discovered that besides searching for articles and journals, you can also search for legal opinions! I know, it may sound silly to get excited about what I can search on Google Scholar, but it’s better to have a wide variety of options when doing research! Individuals can also filter their searches, and choose many preferences in advance search, which I also discovered is in the toolbar..
  • Search literacy allows you to access all sorts of content, but does have set restrictions
    • know the basic terms before using the internet {web site, browser, URL, plug in, and Query}
    • I don't think many people understand how to browse the internet, but this video highlights many great aspects and tools on how to

Friday, February 19, 2016

CCV Multimedia App & Tools

Visual Concepts

Did you know there are various blogger sites that allow you to create your own blog for FREE?

The main one being GOOGLE, WordPress, Kidblog, Weebly, through various social media sites, etc. Most of these sites allow for individuals to use as a free-trial, or for free, while there are also sites that require a fee to pay for extra necessities following the free trial.

I love the idea of publishing my ideas into a blogger site!

Through the various blogger sites, I can publish my ideas on whatever I find interesting! I have a difficult time processing my thoughts on publishing blogs, but I’m making progress with the new tools explored each week. Having a Facebook page and constantly updating my thoughts is another form of blogging, so in a way, I have been involved in blogging for quite some time!

Exploring key components to a successful web design

Five key components: Colors, Content focus, White space, Typography, Social prominence.
The two key colors : Black and white. Black signifies elegance, while white signifies cleanliness. When beginning my blog site, I liked the idea of using different color fonts, background themes, etc., but after reading common mistakes; I probably shouldn’t be using extravagant colors! Content has to focus on the value of the blog. What concepts are we exploring? Staying on task is key! White spaces: You don’t want clutter! Typography= FONT! Social prominence: Allow for readers to view content easily! 

Mobile Devices

I can use my mobile device or tablet! This allows me to constantly update when need be! I can download and use blogger on all of my mobile devices! I can also use security features that allow others to explore my profile, public or private.


This week covered many topics regarding the visual content viewed on a blogger site. I find myself taking notes from each article explored these past few weeks, but then having a difficult time processing it into a blog post. This week, we mainly focused on blog design. There were many techniques explored, that I will most certainly benefit from, as well as tips on how to keep readers visually attentive. These tips ranged from adding the right amount of media {photos, videos, etc.}, to customizing and incorporating an individual theme! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Multimedia Week #3 Visual Literacy

Visual Literacy in Media

Speaking through Media

~Let's create while we communicate~ 
The photo on the right side of my blog is a photo I used in Photoshop. This was my first time using Photoshop and I'd say, I did a pretty well..Learning how to communicate with a keyboard, rather than one's voice has slowly become the new generation. We speak through phone, text, email, social media, chat rooms, internet, etc...Now, let me teach you what I learned about creating one's own media! 

<How do we communicate through visual literacy>

Let's Build Visual Communication Skills 

Individuals can communicate by reading, viewing, analyzing: images, gestures, words, etc., through media..It's actually quite simple, take this picture below, one is titled: "Read some books!", I made this through an online media site "Picmonkey". You can take a photo, personal or internet (labeled for noncommercial reuse or modification) and edit it! Yes, e-d-i-t it! You can "change" the photo around, crop, color-change, alter, add text, decor, etc. There are various tools to use to create a whole new photo! 

(Hints: First, you upload the photo to a photo editing site, in this case, "picmonkey"..once the photo of your choice is uploaded, you can alter how the photo looks in any way that you want. You have a set amount of tools to change the color, as I did below, alter the brightness, as well as add in some text with the font/color of your choice..now there are far more ideas of how to alter photos, more complex than I have provided below..)

PicMonkey: http://www.picmonkey.com/

  • The link above is a website that allows individual's to alter/edit their photos. 
  • Why would you want to edit your photos? 
    • Maybe, to make it a little more interesting, appealing, or even to crop a portion of the photo that disrupts the meaning behind it, or to create a "meme", or to even change the entire photo to something different.. 
      • When an artist alters the format of the photo, it allows for a better visual understanding of the photo. It allows for individuals to learn the meaning behind the photo by studying every aspect of it. 
      • The more the photo has to offer, the more there is to learn from! 
      • "Go play around with your photos, PicMonkey does it" 

    Friday, February 5, 2016

    Exploring Internet Rights!

    Exploring the internet through an online course! 

    Taking online courses can be lots of fun! What you pay attention to determines what you learn..                                                                                                                              

    • There are lots of details in exploring the online environment
    • There are various tools explored in the online environment
    • But you can't be too careful... 
    • Watch out for copyright and fair use 

    Make sure to pay attention to all the small details! 

    What is copyrighted? What does that even mean?

    Copyrighted work means work that belongs to someone else, that cannot be taken without permission from the owner. That means, that work on the internet involving artistic work, literature, etc., cannot be "taken" as your work without stating who your source is or asking for permission to use.

                     Let's think about a few things....

    What does it mean to copyright? Does that mean you and I could make artistic work and publish it, and then it can be classified as copyrighted? Yes, that is correct! You can go write a poem this minute, publish it online, and boom! It's YOURS! 

    Now, that we've talked about copyright, what is fair use? 

    Fair use is the ability to publicly use copyrighted work without asking for permission from the owner first. Individuals are able to gain access of copyrighted work for the sole purpose of commenting, criticizing, reporting, researching, etc.

    • The United States Copyright Act! 
    • It's the law! 
    • Do your research first! 

                             Have you explored the internet? 

    Did you know there are various tools when using the internet? What about Google? I'm sure that is the top internet source you use.. so have you looked into them? One really cool new source I recently learned has to do with searching for images on Google! It's extremely useful! When searching in images, there's a "search tool" that allows for individuals to search for publicly copyrighted images that can be used without citing! How crazy is that!? I didn't even know that was possible...! So what did you learn about the internet today..?

    Friday, January 29, 2016

    The World of Multimedia!


    By Karry Walker 

    • A form of Communication 
    • A form of Art with various forms of Applications
    • Use of Social Media, Technology, Images, Videos, Apps, etc..
    • Used worldwide

    Why is "Multimedia" important to Society? 

    Multimedia allows for individuals around the world to have access to all sorts of media through technology! Individuals use multimedia daily, looking to the media for questions, answers, concerns, videos, television, socializing, social media sites, chat rooms, blogging, education, etc. Multimedia is so widely spread out that it can provide an individual with practically anything they are searching for..

    Why does the term "Multimedia" catch a readers attention? 

    Multimedia catches a viewers attention mainly for the fact that it is eye catching. Multimedia is complex, yet inviting, colorful, with a variety of options! Take a look at the photo below, is it appealing? Does it make you want to use your technology? The small boxes are similar to the tiny apps you tap on your mobile device daily, yet you don't get tired of continuously clicking those bright, colorful boxes to continue using these "apps".. do you? 

    Multimedia Apps
    • Allows for individuals to express themselves
    • Allows for the exploration of multimedia tools 
    • Allows for individuals to have more options when creating projects 
    Why are Multimedia "Apps" important? 

    Multimedia allows for individuals to be creative, artistic and think outside the "bigger picture". Individuals have access to a variety of options as already stated, allowing for those individuals to study, evaluate and express opinion towards those media apps. Using multimedia apps allows for individuals to communicate through the use of technology, through the use of clicking an app, and through self expression. Now, now ...that may not necessarily earn you your P.h.D, but with a little time, lot of effort and patience, I bet you'll eventually get there! 

    Works Cited 

    Multimedia O Multimedios. Digital image. Http://www.agendistas.com. N.p., 29 Jan. 2011. Web.

    Sabangi, Norirdawati. Definition of Multimedia. Digital image. Http://image.slidesharecdn.com. N.p., 14 Apr. 2014. Web.

    Savolainen, Kaisa. Royalty Free Stock Photo: Cloud Apps on Internet TV / Computer. Digital image. Http://www.dreamstime.com. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photo-cloud-apps-internet-tv-computer-image23236105