Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing & Software Storage 

Cloud Services? Do you use them?

Well with Microsoft office 365 and Google App, it allows for individuals to have massive amount of storage space available online. These are forms of software or applications. These software's allow for individuals to use them for storage purposes. Individuals have access when online and offline, as well as from all devices that access to apps/ internet. There are provided features that allow individuals to work with other individuals while their work is shared/saved together. I also learned that with Google doc, it is extremely easy to navigate the search tools for when citing in writing, or for future research. Personally, I prefer to use Google drive because in my opinion, is easier to work with. It took some time to get used to, but now that I am constantly using it, I prefer not to use Microsoft office 365 (not that it’s difficult to use). I have two means of storage if I needed more, but I typically use Google App, as I am easily able to explore and understand the tools. Whereas, with Microsoft Office 365, I am new to the software, so I am just getting used to it. I recently worked with PowerPoint on Microsoft Office, which wasn’t too difficult, but I found it extremely difficult when working with fonts and themes, so I ended up converting and sharing it with my Google software. This would have been much more difficult to do if it weren’t for the wonders of the cloud!

Storage Usage

Way back when, “back in the day”, files/pictures/videos/etc. were stored onto a hardware, hard drive, CD disk..and even today, some individuals still use that file save form to store their files. Since then, technology has changed drastically. Now that technology has developed, individuals no longer need to make the extra effort to save files to some sort of “disk”. Technology has developed beyond files being saved on a “disk”, that they can now be saved within the technology itself: through a computing network, known as the Cloud. The cloud, also referred to as computing cloud or hard drive in the sky is a network of saving and sharing individual files. The cloud is available on demand, as a unique form of saving files and sharing them on the internet. It also requires less power and storage usage for different activities used through the cloud. It is very easy for data to get lost or privacy settings to be overlooked, as well as storage files to be taken. It’s important to read privacy regulations/laws before storing individual work in it. 
An example of what using the cloud is like: if I am viewing a video online, through Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon; that form of video sharing is not saved to my technological device, rather it is a file saved through the cloud, that is shared the world to use. There are also many files that are saved or “backed up” in the “cloud”, such as emails, notes, music, and all sorts of media that individuals can save, such as myself. The cloud is considered a safe network of file sharing and storage usage, but again, is a “fluffy blue cloud in the sky”, so beware of the power of the cloud!

Google Scholar:

  • has always been confusing to me...but something extremely interesting I learned in the video provided this week was how to easily understand and be provided with quick citations from sources. I also discovered that besides searching for articles and journals, you can also search for legal opinions! I know, it may sound silly to get excited about what I can search on Google Scholar, but it’s better to have a wide variety of options when doing research! Individuals can also filter their searches, and choose many preferences in advance search, which I also discovered is in the toolbar..
  • Search literacy allows you to access all sorts of content, but does have set restrictions
    • know the basic terms before using the internet {web site, browser, URL, plug in, and Query}
    • I don't think many people understand how to browse the internet, but this video highlights many great aspects and tools on how to

Friday, February 19, 2016

CCV Multimedia App & Tools

Visual Concepts

Did you know there are various blogger sites that allow you to create your own blog for FREE?

The main one being GOOGLE, WordPress, Kidblog, Weebly, through various social media sites, etc. Most of these sites allow for individuals to use as a free-trial, or for free, while there are also sites that require a fee to pay for extra necessities following the free trial.

I love the idea of publishing my ideas into a blogger site!

Through the various blogger sites, I can publish my ideas on whatever I find interesting! I have a difficult time processing my thoughts on publishing blogs, but I’m making progress with the new tools explored each week. Having a Facebook page and constantly updating my thoughts is another form of blogging, so in a way, I have been involved in blogging for quite some time!

Exploring key components to a successful web design

Five key components: Colors, Content focus, White space, Typography, Social prominence.
The two key colors : Black and white. Black signifies elegance, while white signifies cleanliness. When beginning my blog site, I liked the idea of using different color fonts, background themes, etc., but after reading common mistakes; I probably shouldn’t be using extravagant colors! Content has to focus on the value of the blog. What concepts are we exploring? Staying on task is key! White spaces: You don’t want clutter! Typography= FONT! Social prominence: Allow for readers to view content easily! 

Mobile Devices

I can use my mobile device or tablet! This allows me to constantly update when need be! I can download and use blogger on all of my mobile devices! I can also use security features that allow others to explore my profile, public or private.


This week covered many topics regarding the visual content viewed on a blogger site. I find myself taking notes from each article explored these past few weeks, but then having a difficult time processing it into a blog post. This week, we mainly focused on blog design. There were many techniques explored, that I will most certainly benefit from, as well as tips on how to keep readers visually attentive. These tips ranged from adding the right amount of media {photos, videos, etc.}, to customizing and incorporating an individual theme! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Multimedia Week #3 Visual Literacy

Visual Literacy in Media

Speaking through Media

~Let's create while we communicate~ 
The photo on the right side of my blog is a photo I used in Photoshop. This was my first time using Photoshop and I'd say, I did a pretty well..Learning how to communicate with a keyboard, rather than one's voice has slowly become the new generation. We speak through phone, text, email, social media, chat rooms, internet, etc...Now, let me teach you what I learned about creating one's own media! 

<How do we communicate through visual literacy>

Let's Build Visual Communication Skills 

Individuals can communicate by reading, viewing, analyzing: images, gestures, words, etc., through media..It's actually quite simple, take this picture below, one is titled: "Read some books!", I made this through an online media site "Picmonkey". You can take a photo, personal or internet (labeled for noncommercial reuse or modification) and edit it! Yes, e-d-i-t it! You can "change" the photo around, crop, color-change, alter, add text, decor, etc. There are various tools to use to create a whole new photo! 

(Hints: First, you upload the photo to a photo editing site, in this case, "picmonkey"..once the photo of your choice is uploaded, you can alter how the photo looks in any way that you want. You have a set amount of tools to change the color, as I did below, alter the brightness, as well as add in some text with the font/color of your there are far more ideas of how to alter photos, more complex than I have provided below..)


  • The link above is a website that allows individual's to alter/edit their photos. 
  • Why would you want to edit your photos? 
    • Maybe, to make it a little more interesting, appealing, or even to crop a portion of the photo that disrupts the meaning behind it, or to create a "meme", or to even change the entire photo to something different.. 
      • When an artist alters the format of the photo, it allows for a better visual understanding of the photo. It allows for individuals to learn the meaning behind the photo by studying every aspect of it. 
      • The more the photo has to offer, the more there is to learn from! 
      • "Go play around with your photos, PicMonkey does it" 

    Friday, February 5, 2016

    Exploring Internet Rights!

    Exploring the internet through an online course! 

    Taking online courses can be lots of fun! What you pay attention to determines what you learn..                                                                                                                              

    • There are lots of details in exploring the online environment
    • There are various tools explored in the online environment
    • But you can't be too careful... 
    • Watch out for copyright and fair use 

    Make sure to pay attention to all the small details! 

    What is copyrighted? What does that even mean?

    Copyrighted work means work that belongs to someone else, that cannot be taken without permission from the owner. That means, that work on the internet involving artistic work, literature, etc., cannot be "taken" as your work without stating who your source is or asking for permission to use.

                     Let's think about a few things....

    What does it mean to copyright? Does that mean you and I could make artistic work and publish it, and then it can be classified as copyrighted? Yes, that is correct! You can go write a poem this minute, publish it online, and boom! It's YOURS! 

    Now, that we've talked about copyright, what is fair use? 

    Fair use is the ability to publicly use copyrighted work without asking for permission from the owner first. Individuals are able to gain access of copyrighted work for the sole purpose of commenting, criticizing, reporting, researching, etc.

    • The United States Copyright Act! 
    • It's the law! 
    • Do your research first! 

                             Have you explored the internet? 

    Did you know there are various tools when using the internet? What about Google? I'm sure that is the top internet source you use.. so have you looked into them? One really cool new source I recently learned has to do with searching for images on Google! It's extremely useful! When searching in images, there's a "search tool" that allows for individuals to search for publicly copyrighted images that can be used without citing! How crazy is that!? I didn't even know that was possible...! So what did you learn about the internet today..?